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Bond Information

On this page are:

Permanent School Fund, Bond Guarantee Program


Voting is open to the public

Early voting: 4/22/24-4/30/24

Voting Day: 5/4/24

Voting Notice:

Order - English     Order - Spanish

Notice - English     Notice - Spanish

Ballot Form

Example 1: Proposed Elementary Building

La Pryor ISD contracted TASB to do a needs assessment of our facilities and the various states of repair as well as estimated cost of repair and replacement.

Use this link to see the public information on the assessment done:

TASB Facility Needs Assessment

Example 2: Proposed Band Hall and Ag Building

Calculate your estimated monthly bond impact here:


Bond Facts

Frequently Asked Questions

1)      Would we lose our district if we cannot pay the bond back, or make the payments?

a.       No, all state ISD bonds are guaranteed by the state fund. In the history of bonds since November 1983, a district has never failed to repay its bond. A government entity such as a school district cannot be taken by a bank.

2)      Will the 100,000-homestead exemption be forever?

a.       The state determines the Homestead exemption, it must be approved by the Texas Legislature. The 87th Legislature in 2022 raised the amount from $25,000 to $40,000. In November of 2022, starting January 2023 the Homestead exemption became $100,000 with a constitutional amendment. It would take voters choosing to do another constitutional amendment to lower the exemption for it to change, that would be very unlikely.

3)      Can the bond be used for anything else that it is not already being targeted for?

a.       NO, the district will only be able to use the bond for only the builds that the board approved. In this case it would only be for instructional purposes. If there are any remaining funds, they must also be allocated for educational areas like in the high school or buses.

4)      How were the areas to be addressed selected?

a.       In April of 2023 TASB conducted a facilities assessment and every building in the district was evaluated. The assessment identified how much each build or area would cost to repair or replace. Areas that would cost more to replace than to repair were identified as well as areas that had out lived their usefulness. The LPISD board focused only on these areas of most need, so our students could best be served.